Can you still remember the panic about Y2K, or the Millennium Bug?

By Rachel
14th March 2019

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That was 20 years ago when the entire world was bracing itself, expecting to descend into chaos as a result of computers not being able to cope with displaying 2000.

Technicians, experts, regulators and the general public alike were convinced that computers across the globe would fail and networks would crash.

Then 1 January 2000 arrived, and the crisis simply didn’t materialise: planes did not fall from the sky, nuclear plants didn’t explode, prisons doors didn’t automatically open and let criminals out.

So, was the Millennium bug just a myth?

According to recent research, no, it wasn’t. In fact “it seems clear that doing nothing about the millennium bug in the late 1990s was not an option that industries dependent on the smooth running of computer systems could afford to take”.

And that’s when the WellData story starts…

In the words of our very own founder, Phill Clayton:

“WellData’s original premise, at its inception in 1999, was to provide access to very scarce Database Administrator resources. At the time, the Y2K panic was at its height and consuming large amounts of money and time in efforts to find and fix critical bugs. This was also the time when the 56KBaud modem had just become available, which allowed for remote teleworking.

WellData was conceived to bring together some of the best DBAs available and provide the level of resources and support our clients required at affordable rates. Over a remote connection, WellData was there to offer the peace of mind that operations would continue efficiently and without any disruptions.”

This year WellData turns 20!

Since those first days many things have changed: the digital revolution has exploded, teleworking is now commonplace, the impact of IT has now become ubiquitous, we have true mobile communications, and almost everyone has a what is basically a full-on computing device in their pockets!

But behind all of these changes, WellData has continued to provide unmatched solutions to its clients to support them through all the changes and upgrades necessary to maintain their competitive edge.

Today, WellData has one of the largest DBA teams in the UK providing support across all popular databases, maintaining 24/7 cover and being a source of stability and comfort in an ever-changing world.

WellData – Keeping your IT nightmares away for the past 20 years

We make databases run like clockwork, around the clock.
We save you money, protect your data and help your business do more for less.
If you need any help with:

  • Database management
  • Database consolidation
  • Database consultancy
  • Application support
  • Server support


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