Ready to support central government

By Phill
22nd September 2017

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Public Sector Database Services Provider

WellData has just been named as a supplier on the Crown Commercial Service’s new Technology Services 2 framework (RM3804).

We’re looking forward to helping the public sector run operations cost efficiently in three key areas of IT.

We’re all delighted at WellData with the latest news from the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office.

As an official supplier to central government in every Lot applied for, WellData is now positioned to support UK government departments and the public sector.

Our solutions will cover everything from ICT strategy and implementation right through to day-to-day operations.

Gaining three awards from CCS highlights our technical capabilities and expertise, as well as our robust approach to security.

It also reflects many hours of hard work, so congratulations to the team.

The evaluation process involved stringent checks and an assessment process to the highest standards, which speaks volumes about the quality of our solutions, and the commitment of our people to deliver.

Here’s a quick summary of the three framework categories and an outline of the services we’ll provide.

  • Lot 1: Technology Strategy and Service Design

    WellData is ready to provide specialist solutions that help get technology right at the outset, from conducting business capability assessments to specifying applications and toolsets that will deliver ICT services across the public sector.

  • Lot 2: Transition and Transformation

    Managed support here includes guiding on ICT strategy and services, as well as helping to tackle core challenges, including site relocation, transition from a current services agreement and legacy service decommissioning.

  • Lot 3: Operational Services

    WellData’s successful tender encompasses the critical area of application and data management, helping to ensure operations run smoothly on a daily basis.

CCS supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. CCS is estimating that the framework will help public bodies to save more than £180 million over four years – money that can be spent on delivering frontline services.

Public Sector Database Services are already a specialist area for WellData.

Currently, we have some 15 local and county councils as clients. The successful tender will open up even greater opportunities.

We look forward to building another long-term client relationship, this time with central government, and making a positive difference to people’s lives through well-managed, public-sector ICT.

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