Working remotely and accessing critical training

By Marius
20th May 2020

In the past few weeks our entire world has been turned up-side-down: lockdown, remote working, home-schooling, are just some of the main changes to our daily life, changes that we had to be quick to implement and learn how to live with.

During this time of adjustment, it is normal that deadlines might slip, that tasks might be postponed or forgotten, and that the focus stays on critical chores. However, it would be a mistake to believe that database management is not one of those critical chores or that simply maintaining the basics of database management would be enough. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The consequences of database failure can be very dire and the technological landscape, especially in a world that is moving to remote working, is in constant evolution. Covering the basics is simply not enough, database management requires constant training and up-skilling.

Luckily, working remotely doesn’t mean that you can’t access excellent levels of training: just in the past few weeks one of our DBAs, Annette Allen, has been presenting at a couple of online events:

Azure Global Bootcamp


You can follow the links to find out more about the events and access the material.


Additionally, here is a selection of other events, training and tutorials that might be of interest to you:

Oracle Apex

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

MySQL Database Administration

EIGHTKB – SQL server internals conference

Pluralsight SQL and Pluralsight Oracle – both offer 10 day free trial

QA SQL and QA Oracle


As a company, we strongly believe in the importance of ensuring that our people are always at the top of their game, and that’s why we continually invest in their professional development, as our constantly updated and expanding number of accreditations can confirm.

If you need help with ensuring that your database management is up-to-date with the latest technologies, or if your database management requirements have changed and you need external support, please contact us. Our team of experts would be happy to set up a call and discuss how WellData can help you.

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