News and Awards

WellData – official IT supplier to UK government for Cloud

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For the third year in a row, WellData has been formally accepted as an IT supplier to central government for Cloud support, strengthening its existing relationship further.

WellData was accepted onto the G-Cloud 10 Framework agreement in July 2018, onto the G-Cloud 11 framework in July 2019 and again onto the G-Cloud 12 framework for ‘Lot 3: Cloud Support’ in September 2020.

These services are available on the Digital Marketplace, overseen by Crown Commercial Services (CCS) and part of Government Digital Services.

WellData is proud to provide UK government departments and the public sector with end-to-end or one-off services on all Cloud matters, covering:

  • transition and planning
  • setup and migration
  • training
  • security services
  • quality assurance and performance testing
  • ongoing support.

This recent award from the CCS adds to WellData’s three others in the area of IT, encompassing Technology Strategy and Service Design, Transition and Transformation and Operational Services. From help getting the technology right at the outset to ensuring operations run smoothly, WellData’s services here are provided under the ‘Technology Services 2 framework (RM3804)’.

All four awards highlight WellData’s trusted technical capabilities, in-depth expertise and robust approach to security. CCS supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.

“We’re delighted to add Cloud support to our central government services,” remarked WellData Director, Philip Clayton. “We’ve worked in the Cloud since its advent and are an accredited partner to leading providers. The stringent evaluation process demonstrates the quality of services we offer daily to meet the highest standards. WellData looks forward to supporting central government on its digital transformation journey”.

For more information, please contact our bids team on 0800 389 4051 or email

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